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Who pulled the plug on the hypnotron?

hypnotronIn 1988, John Carpenter directed the movie "They Live", visible on YouTube). In this film, he describes a lobotomized and obedient society, with its omnipresent advertising boards praising seductive products and services, and its TV broadcasting everywhere the same soporific information and series to which we are accustomed today...

After various adventures, the main character of the film discovers a box filled with what looks like sunglasses. When he puts the glasses on, he discovers a totally different scene: the enticing advertisements and TV shows have been replaced by hypnotic injunctions: "Obey! Watch TV! Consume! Reproduce yourself! Buy! No independent thought!" When he takes off the glasses, the scenery becomes "normal" again and the TV becomes dully stultifying.

In the film, it is the glasses that cancel the hypnotic filters. Suddenly, brutally, we discover the reality of a terrorized society programmed to obey its tyrannical elite.

I have the feeling that a similar phenomenon is happening in the Middle East.

Something or someone has pulled the plug on the crowd-servant device. Anger and indignation are no longer contained by threats, fear no longer paralyzes the people, unity has become more important than division. The hypnotron no longer works.

Individuals are taking back from the dignitaries the dignity that had been confiscated from them.

The acceleration of events reveals the spread of profound and inescapable changes - changes in the fabric of human consciousness. This acceleration thaws the minds previously frozen in fear. The ties that bind all things together are regaining their elasticity. Thanks to this new fluidity, inequalities promise to flatten out, like sand castles in the passage of the new tide.

On our small planet where interdependence is becoming more and more obvious, this chain reaction directly endangers all the tyrants of the world. It threatens the unscrupulous kingpins, of course, but also each of us, in our abuse of power in the family, at work and in society.

And finally, let's not fool ourselves, this chain reaction announces a profound and desirable transformation of our western society. To maintain a mind-numbing "standard of living" of comfort and security, to keep the privilege of over-consuming useless and harmful products and services, Western populations enslave the rest of the world. In the list of the next tyrants to be deposed, we find in good place the subscribers to the good Western conscience.

Beyond the obvious geopolitical considerations, the dysfunction of the hypnotron promises changes of an unimaginable magnitude.

Alain-Yan Mohr


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Alain-Yan Mohr

376 rte de Nendaz
1996 Basse-Nendaz
Tel: +41 (0)79 445 4056
Email : alainyanmohr @

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